Organisational Structure
The organisation structure is egalitarian. There is no real hierarchy, nor authority exercised on or by anyone. It runs on the initiative and accountability of all the people involved. However, for administrative purposes, there are three working groups which coordinate with each other to achieve the organisation’s objectives. Delegation of responsibilities within each working group is entirely flexible and open to the demands of the situation, within the basic framework of the constitution.
1. Projects Group
The projects group invites projects from potential beneficiaries and carries out a basic feasibility study in tune with Sakhya’s principles. This is followed by extensive evaluation of the submitted proposals, paying particular attention to their sustainability factor and to our funding reserves at the time, to arrive at a shortlist of projects that could potentially be funded. These proposals are then puts forward to the other working groups and a final decision is reached. Review and monitoring of the sponsored projects by seeking frequent progress reports are also part of this group’s responsibilities.
2. Fund-raising Group
Fund raising is one of the most challenging tasks for this organisation, and is vital to sustaining its mission. Members of this group constantly evolve and implement ideas for the generation of funds to support projects on a continuous basis. The activities of this group are varied and can range from organising dinners, cultural evenings, talks and sports meets, to providing services (commensurate with our members' skills) in third-party events in return for donations made out to Sakhya. This group is thus constantly on the lookout for opportunities to generate funds and possible ways to minimise administrative and organisational costs.
3. Publicity Group
The publicity group serves to link the organisation with the external milieu. It’s role is to maintain visibility and create awareness about Sakhya’s goals, needs and achievements. Major activities include membership drives, publicity of fund raising events, maintenance of communication portals and meeting administrative obligations.